Now...the night and Jon's "over the hill" birthday!
On Thursday night we were planning to go to Mary Poppins because we had free tickets and who doesn't like getting dressed up and heading to the Fox, right? Well, we decided that we'd go to Mary Poppins when we had kids and re-routed to a nice Italian dinner date night. I think it was a much better decision in the end. We went to this place close to the Fox called Barronda (where Jon had previously had an awful date, not with me of course) and it was amazing! We had a great bottle of wine, calamari, awesome pasta dishes and even Tiramisu! Man was it nice to have a real date night and awesome dinner too. I think since moving to Atlanta Jon and I have forgotten that we still need to do real date nights instead of always opting to hang out with friends. But, that being's nice to have close friends again and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Jon is offically 28 YEARS OLD!! So old! I mean, before you know it he's going to be bald and I'm gonna be so senile I won't remember how old we really are. Plus, we need to start making babies before his little swimmers (or my chicks) dry up and it can't happen. Haha....I'm totally kidding baby (sorta)! I actually can't believe how old we are but I'm looking forward to what's still to come. Sometimes I don't feel like we are old enough to actually be 28 and 26! I remember when that seemed so old and honestly, I feel like we're still young and figuring things out. Will we always feel like that? Is there a turning point to where you feel like you've got it all together. I think this is why they say "you'll never be ready" for kids. Maybe it's because of this same feeling of never being "settled".
For Jon's birthday Chad and I scored some awesome seats at the Braves game! I'll add some pictures below. But, we were 8 rows behind the right-handed batter's box! I think it was a success and all of us had a great time, including the birthday boy! It was definitely only complaint.....I wish I had ordered the hot dog and bypassed the nachos. :-)
Looks like a good time...old lady ;)