Now, on to the stress that's still in my life...the plan was to go to school. Everything looked great and if you know me well you know that I completely over thought, sketched out and analyzed every possibility with school....or so I thought. Well, the kink in the road is here....I never thought that the classes I would need to take could be full and unavailable. Ugh...I really do not want to be in school for the next four years but really want the end result that school will bring! The actual program is 16 months, not bad right? Well, I've got some prerequisites that I still need to take to be able to start the nursing program. That's the tricky part. They build off of each other, are only offered certain semesters, only offered at certain times (and labs at another), and are unavailable for this semester. I mean, it's just a mess because it's all such a gamble anyways. I could start taking pre-reqs, apply, not get in, be in school for much longer than anticipated, hate it once I get started. There are so many factors working together that it makes me very nervous. Maybe I should just start looking for a job that I will love. One that helps others, one that will make me feel good about myself, one that won't require working weekends and one that has advancement opportunities. That would be great. Nursing is that, but just seems so far away all of a sudden.
Picture: I'm on a business trip with Jon in Tennessee this week. First stop, Nashville. This is our awesome view from our downtown hotel (within walking distance to Broadway too)
Amanda, why don't you just get deeper into your photography. Weddings would be out since you want to have weekends free, but there is portraits .......children and adults and a lot of photographers do just those and make a good living. It might take a little while to get can always take a part time job until you get on your feet. You are very talented and it would be a shame if you gave it up. Good luck with whatever you decide to do :)