Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wishes and wants

Why is it that there is always a list of wants? Why can't we be content in the status quo? I wish that I didn't always think ahead to what I want. I wish that I had more patience and that wanting something and not getting it in my timing was okay. I wish that I had more faith in the whole, things happen for a reason and patience makes the heart grow fonder and, I'll throw one more cliche's all in God's timing. I'm not exactly throwing temper tantrums or anything too extreme but, Jon and I both have the problem of patience. Once we decide we want something we're bound and determined to make it happen. I think in some situations this is a good thing but it can definitely be a fault of ours as well. We have a way of always looking towards the future and the next best thing. One more cliche...we think the grass is always greener on the other side. :-) Well, I'm basically having my inner dialogue work its way into this blog entry but I'm putting it out there as a mental challenge to myself to stop thinking about dining room tables, built-in desks, babies, iPads, new computers, babies, new camera lenses and babies. It will all happen and I need all these things to escape my mind for a bit. Cause you know, (one last one) when you stop thinking about it it will happen and (I can't help myself) a watch pot won't boil.

So, here's my self challenge: Stop thinking and seize the day!

*Although my day could be a little brighter waking up to a cuddly baby, eating breakfast at a new dining room table followed by an afternoon of editing some precious newborn photos on a speedy new computer at my built-in desk nook

Just kidding....sorta.

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