Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm gonna make it happen

Okay, so I think since swimsuit season is here and I generally just feel lazy I'm gonna set a goal. My goal is to slowly add back exercise into my routine. I don't really know where exercise escaped my routine, but it definitely did somewhere between becoming an "adult" and getting a big girl job and becoming a lazy, married woman. But, I just don't feel healthy...not to mention the some 30 pounds or so since college. I will say that one pro to being tall is the ability to pull off weight gain. I will ALSO say that one con to being tall is the ability to pull off weight gain. The few pounds here or there have definitely added up and it makes me lazy. It's amazing how lack of exercise and a extra pounds can affect your energy level. It's almost a lose-lose, or a catch 22, or a irony of sort. I don't have the energy to exercise, but the lack of exercise leads to weight gain and weight wain leads to lack of energy...therefore...start the cycle again. It really is bad. Well, my first steps....take the dogs on a walk every night after work and if it's raining...get on the elliptical! I need to whoop this butt into shape (well, I guess I AM a shape....Round!). But, I figure slow and steady wins the race when it comes to adding back activity/ exercise into my life. We'll start slow so that it becomes more routine and enjoyable and then go from there.

On another note, I'm feeling quite productive on the home-front. I managed to come home (mind you an hour and a half late), take the dogs for a walk (see above...we're 3 days in so far), cook dinner, clean the kitchen from counters to dishes, empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, feed the dogs, do the rest of the laundry (now everything's clean down to towels, underwear, sheets and all), sweep the entire house (which as a lot of you know is quite a task with two dogs, lots of visitors and ALL hardwoods), dust the house, dust the baseboards, and now update the blog. I'm quite proud of myself if you can't tell. But, is such a task and once I got started I figured I might as well keep going. Tomorrow I'll attempt to clean the other bathroom and actually enjoy myself on my days off! Tomorrow we're Nashville bound! Yeehaw!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha...totally laughed (and laughing again) at this part: "well, I guess I AM a shape....Round!"
    Can't wait for Nashville....Natasha & I are excited to show you a fun time!
